The Peace Bunkers, a bridge between identities

"The Peace Bunkers", pilot project in Trapani: Spring/Summer 2023.
The cooperation between collective identities is an universal value. This principle inspired the artistic project “The Peace Bunkers”, emphasising its universal character by gathering together an artist/citizen from the European Union and an artist/citizen from a Country of the rest of the World. Getting their inspiration from the issue of Peace, in the name of cooperation between collective identities and institutions, each of the two artists will paint one of the two Bunkers. This “twinnig” format of cooperation is aimed at creating cultural bridges between countries and symbolically represents the dialogue between the nations of the European Union and the others.
This artistic project aims to symbolically reverse the bellicose reality of these structures – built during the Second World War by the Nazi-fascist army as military posts in reinforced concrete - and to give them a new meaning in their natural setting by pictorially transforming them into symbols of peace in the present. The aim is to make a profound statement against the wars that continue to assail the populations of the world.
Luigi Camarilla, the artist and the creator of the project, was born in Ortigia (Siracusa). For years he has been intertwining the languages of painting, sculpture and writing. His expressive research becomes more and more dripping with an anthropological spirit, specifically oriented towards the Mediterranean subject. Origins and civil commitment mark his works, which is based on the dialogue between different collective identities (EUROPEAN COMMISSION CATALOGUE).
The Association of Mediterranean Perspectives and its President Enrico Molinaro, Secretary General of the Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue (RIDE), organised the event. The main goal of this Association, consistently with the artistic project, is to achieve international cooperation and solidarity, dialogue between peoples and their respective collective identities, the promotion of activities aimed at preserving the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Mediterranean identities.